Content Lists allow you to display dynamic, curated lists of content of a particular type. There are content lists available for articles, pages, and people. Each Content List can have filters applied to it (e.g. filtering by a particular tag).

Block Settings

The settings below apply to all Content Lists. Each block may have additional settings and these can be viewed on the documentation page for each block type.


The headline should describe what the Articles block will entail. Think of it as a ‘title’.  This is not a required field.

NOTE: You have the ability to hide the headline field if you still wish to add a descriptive title yet not have it display on the page. Think of it more as an ‘Administrative Label’ if you wish to implement it this way

Headline Size

You have the ability to select the font size of the Articles headline. Heading 2 is set by default, but may need to be adjusted depending on where you nest the Articles block within the page. 

Headline Style

Default, Bold Serif and Bold serif, underlined.

Items to Display

This determines how many article teasers will be displayed in the block. 

NOTE: If you want to display all items, you must use a pager.


This allows you to start your articles list after a specified number of records. If you set this to 3, for example, it will skip the first 3 articles that would have been shown.

Show Pager

Depending on the number of results and the number of items, this will display a pager. This allows the user to view all of the related articles in a more condensed and controlled way. It also prevents the user from having to navigate to a different page. 

If a pager isn’t selected, users will only see the most recent number of results and items you selected to display. 

Sort options

You can drag each of the following options to sort them: Sticky, Authored on. Additionally, for each item, you can choose to sort in ascending (e.g. A to Z) or descending order (e.g. Z to A). The default settings will probably work most of the time, so you probably won't need to adjust this setting.

Hide fields

You can choose to not display certain fields by selecting the 'Hide' checkbox next to the field name. Specific fields will be listed on each content list documentation page.



When you create an article, you have the option to set Tags under the 'Relationships' section in the righthand sidebar. Using this text field, you can reference the tags you set for an article.

NOTE: Separate the tags with a comma

Additionally, to view existing tags, go to /admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/tags/overview

Display More Link

Check to include a ' View More' link. To use the default articles path set within SiteNow Articles, make sure the ‘Enable articles listing’ box is checked. Alternatively, a custom URL path can be provided in the ‘Path’ text box below.


You have the option to customize where a user is directed when they click on the ‘View More’ link

If you want users to be directed to a specific page on your site, start typing the page title of the desired piece of content and then select the node from the dropdown menu.

You can also enter an internal path such as /node/add or an external URL such as Enter <front> to link to the front page. Enter <nolink> to display link text only.

Display Options

Background: White (default), Gray, Gold, Black and - None - (card is transparent and the section background is the card background)

Media position: Left, Right (default), Stacked (image displays above card content)


  • If the Image position is ‘Left’ or ‘Right’, you have the ability to change the Image size.
  • The media position will change based on the width of the grid or layout column. For example, if you have selected the ‘Left’ or ‘Right’ option and the column width is below 400 pixels wide, the card will appear in the 'Stacked' position.  This adjustment is made to ensure that the card contents can be read.  

Media format: Circle, Square, Widescreen (16:9) (default)

Content Alignment: Left (default) or Center

Image size: Small, Medium (default), Large

Display list as: List (default), Grid

NOTE: With the grid display option you have the ability to choose between 2 column and 3 column.

When "Grid" is selected, when possible based on layout column size and viewport size (e.g. mobile/desktop), it will attempt to display as either a 2 column or 3 column grid. For best results, use a one-column section layout.

Styles: Card: Border

Block Restrictions

The article block is available in the following section layouts:

  • One column
  • Two column
  • Three column
  • Four column
  • Page w/ left sidebar

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Simplifying your content management with taxonomy and tagging

Monday, February 5, 2024
When managing website content, there is a lot to consider. Not only do you have the text on your pages, but you also might have numerous image files, documents, iconography, video and other content you have on your website. One of the ways that you can make managing your content easier is through taxonomy.