NOTE: Currently waiting on a new release of the audio media options that will include a transcript field.

In the meantime, you can add text underneath the audio file you embed to act as a transcript


Add transcript text in any of the paragraph options and add that below the audio file you embed

Add Audio Option #1:

  1. Go to ‘Content’
  2. In the header, select ‘Media’ -> located right next to ‘Content’
  3. ‘Add media’ -> ‘Audio’
  4. Add a ’Name’
  5. Add an ‘Audio File’
    1. Max file size = 50MB
  6. Save
  7. Navigate to the WYSIWYG you wish to embed the audio file on -> click the media icon in the toolbar
  8. Select the audio file you uploaded in the ‘Media Library’ to insert it into your WYSIWYG content
  9. Select how wide you would like to display the post (i.e. ‘Display As Full Content*’)
  10. Select how you would like to align the post with ‘Align’
  11. You can add a caption that will appear on the bottom of the audio file you embed
  12. Embed

Add Audio Option #2:

  1. In Drupal, navigate to the WYSIWYG you wish to embed your audio file on -> click the media icon in the toolbar
  2. In the header of the pop-up window, select ‘Upload Audio’
  3. Add the ‘Name’
  4. Upload the ‘Audio file’
    1. Max file size = 50MB
  5. Select how wide you would like to display the post (ie ‘Display As Full Content*’)
  6. Select how you would like to align the post with ‘Align’
  7. You can add a caption that will appear on the bottom of the audio file you embed
  8. Embed