The 'More...' blocks holds various other blocks that are available for use.


On the ‘edit’ tab of a page, the body field represents the text that was entered in the ‘Body’ field. By default, this is placed in the page layout, but you can modify how it is presented or add it back if you remove it.

This field will only display if content was entered into the field. 


For every field option available, you have the option to do the following with the the Label: Display Above, Display Inline, Hidden Display, Visually Hidden. Though other options are provided, we recommend visually hidden as this can aid screen readers in identifying the content.


Default: Display the body field as the normal field

Trimmed: Here you can trim the summary (if set) or the body field to a specific number of characters. 

Summary or Trimmed: If the summary is not set, the trimmed Body field will end at the last full sentence before this character limit.

Smart Trimmed: Here you can select the specific trim length of the text characters or words you want to display. You also have the option to provide a suffix, wrap the trimmed content in a div, or display a more link to the entity (if one exists). You are also provided the option to ‘Use summary if present, and do not trim’, ‘Use summary if present, honor trim settings’, or to not use trim settings at all if a summary exists.

Main Navigation

By default, this block is placed in the sidebar of every page. There is an option on the node edit form to hide the sidebar including this navigation block.

This block is set to create an active trail of children menu items starting with the second level menu items.

You can choose to display the menu vertically or horizontally by adding/removing the style options. We recommend only using the horizontal option within a one-column layout.


The Webform block will only render existing webforms that have been created on your site. In the ‘Webform’ text field, start typing out the name of the Webform you wish to display. We have more webform documentation here.

Default Webform Submissions Data (YAML): Enter submission data as name and value pairs as YAML which will be used to prepopulate the selected webform. You may use tokens. See Browse Available Tokens below for more information

Key: To know what the ‘Title’ and ‘Key’ webform values are, go to ‘Structure’  in your Admin menu-> ‘Webforms’ -> Select the ‘Build’ button displayed under ‘Operations’. Here you should see the available elements in your customized webform. If you view the webform’s menu, you can see what the ‘Title’ and ‘Key’ variables are. 

Redirect to the Webform: If your webform has multiple pages, this will change the behavior of the "Next" button. This will also affect where validation messages show up after an error.

Browse Available Tokens: If you want to view the available tokens that you can render, select the ‘Browse Available Tokens’ linked text. For instance, if you wanted to display the ‘Author’ of the webform, you will use the [webform_submission:webform:author] token.


Dispatch is a University web service that allows users to create and manage campaigns to generate PDF content, email messages, SMS messages, or voice calls. You must have a Dispatch client and account to use Dispatch functionality within your site. In order to see your Dispatch API key under Client Settings, you must have an owner role. Contact with questions on the Dispatch service.

A user on your site with the webmaster role can copy and paste the API key into the SiteNow Dispatch configuration form at admin/config/sitenow/sitenow-dispatch. Once set, Dispatch blocks under the "More..." category can be used. Note that API keys are sensitive and should not be shared with anyone.

The Dispatch block "Signup Form" will allow you pick a population and render a form so people can enter their email and name to sign up. Note that only subscription list populations are available to select for this block.