With the Card block, you can use any combination of image, title, author and text.  


You have the ability to select the heading level of the card title. Heading 2 is set by default, but may need to be adjusted depending on where you nest the card block within the page. 


The excerpt will be used for longer, descriptive text. It will be displayed under the title fields.


Additionally, you can wrap the card in an accessible, clickable link. The ‘Link text’ will appear as a button below the card excerpt. The text should clarify where users will be directed when they click on the selected card block.


You can select an image or remote video item to display as part of your card. See the sections below for more details about those options.


When you upload the image, you will be asked to fill in a required accessible alternative text value and an optional global caption for each image. 

Image Specifications

For details, see the Image Specifications documentation.

Remote Video

Add a remote video URL (Youtube, Vimeo video) and tags. With stacked image position, image size is not available. With left or right image position, large and medium are available for image size.


The optional Author field is displayed as a subtitle below the card block title.

Display Options

Background: White (default), Gray, Gold, Black and - None - (card is transparent and the section background is the card background)

Media position: Left, Right (default), Stacked (image displays above card content)


  • If the Image position is ‘Left’ or ‘Right’, you have the ability to change the Image size.
  • The media position will change based on the width of the layout column if the column width is below 400 pixels. For example, if you have selected the ‘Left’ or ‘Right’ option and have placed the block within a four column layout using the "Normal" container size, the card will appear in the 'Stacked' position.  This adjustment is made to ensure that the card contents can be read.  ‘Left’ or ‘Right’ media position cards are ideal for three column layouts and below. 

Media format: Circle, Square, Widescreen (16:9) (default)

NOTE: With the ‘circle’ and ‘square’ image format, you have the ability to change the Image size.

Content Alignment: Left (default) or Center

Styles: Card: Border

Block Restrictions

The card block is available in the following section layouts:

  • One column
  • Two column
  • Three column
  • Four column
  • Page w/ left sidebar

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Unlocking the potential of cards

Friday, February 9, 2024
One of the most flexible components covered by SiteNow and Layout Builder are dynamic cards. The card component can be used as both an informative piece of content or one that links users off to more content. Today, we will look into best practices for utilizing the card component.