Note: Webmaster role required.

Go to Basic Site Settings via Configuration >  System > Basic Site Settings (/admin/config/system/site-information)

On this page you can change many of the global site settings available to you.

Site Details

You can change your site name, give it a slogan or update the site email address.

Additionally, you can provide a parent organization and link which will display at the top of the website on the header for websites using the "Display below IOWA bar" site name display option within theme settings.

Front Page

You can make any existing page the front/homepage of your site.

Enter the page’s URL path alias (e.g. /home) or the permanent node ID path (e.g. /node/1).

Note: You cannot delete a page that is designated as the front page.

Error Pages

There are default "access denied” and “page not found” pages, but if you want to customize the message, create the page(s) first and assign them here.

You can configure the global footer for the site, though in an effort to follow the University of Iowa's brand manual, some functionality has been removed. All sites get the block Iowa logo and the site name is printed below. OSC Brand approved lockups are not meant for use on the web.

Footer Contact Information

We recommend keeping this content brief and for contact information only. To edit this block, as a webmaster you should see an edit icon on the right of the footer if the footer contains content. Click the "edit" sub-link to change the content within the block. Alternatively or if there isn't currently any footer content, you can click the edit link located on the Basic Sites Settings page.

Footer Links

The footer region also provides three separate menus for social media links and for other custom footer links. This includes. The “Social Media Menu”, “Footer primary menu”, “Footer secondary menu”, and “Footer tertiary menu”.

You can add and manage links and link titles by heading to the menu overview page via Structure > Menus (/admin/structure/menu). Or by going to Configuration > System > Basic Site Settings and scrolling to the bottom where Footer Menu links are located.

Note: Only webmasters can manage footer menus, if content is assigned to the footer, editors are blocked from making menu changes to the node.