Use Articles for time-sensitive content like news, press releases, or blog posts.


You can name your article with a Title, write and style it within the Body with the WYSIWYG Text Editor, and add Article Authors to show who worked on it. When editing an existing article, you can check Preserve Links to alert readers to the possibility of broken links. 


The gallery field is used to show images related to the article you are creating to provide more visual expression of what the article is about. You may upload multiple images that will then be displayed at the bottom of the article. The images will be displayed in a grid of squares, but when clicked they will pop out for users to see in their native aspect ratio.

Additionally, if a gallery exists on an article page, you can add the suffix "#gallery" to the end of the URL of the article to link directly to the gallery. (Eg. "")

Revision Information

You can view the date and time of the last saved revision.

Additionally, type a revision log message indicating what changes you have made to the page.

When the page is saved, the revision log will be saved including the typed message, date and time of revision, and author for future reference.

Users cans can also revert back to past revisions of a page.  To do this, click the revert button to the right of the version you would like to revert to.  


Type a short summary of your content here.  It will be used if there are any displays around the site that reference this content. By default, this is also used by search engines when they crawl and index your site. We recommend descriptions between 50–160 characters, although the “optimal” length will vary depending on the situation. You can also leave blank to use a trimmed value of the Body full text as the summary.

Content Description

This teaser field has been deprecated, and replaced by the Summary field.

Featured Image

A featured image for the Article can be added. Select Browse media or Add media to add a picture from your computer or already existing media from the Media Library.

Additionally, add a caption to give the user more information on the picture.

Display Setting

This option allows an editor to set different heights for the featured image or to hide the featured image so that it is only used for teaser displays and SEO purposes. There is a site-wide default to allow consistency across the site for articles with the site-wide default option selected. Individual content can opt-out of the site-wide default. You can set the site-wide default for the article content type at /admin/config/sitenow/uiowa-articles

Image specifications can be found here


You can create relationships to taxonomy terms. Commonly used to organize and classify content behind the scenes.

You can reference existing (autocomplete) or create new tags by typing comma-separate terms.

Additionally, to view existing tags, go to /admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/tags/overview.

Displaying Related Content

You may display related content defined in the Relationships dropdown at the bottom of your content under a headline titled Related. By default, articles will display manually referenced articles from the Related content subfield. This will display as a series of cards of the related articles. 

Alternatively, you may wish to simply display all content that is tagged with the same tags that your article is tagged with. To do this, click the link to the articles settings page in the help text at the bottom of the Relationships dropdown. From here, you can set the display for your site by changing Article settings > Display related content field to your desired value.

Be forewarned, this is a site-wide setting, and will change this behavior for all articles. Make sure this is what you intend before selecting a new option.

URL Alias

Check the box to automatically generate a URL alias. Otherwise, specify an alternative path by which this data can be accessed. For example, type “/about” when writing an about page.

Authoring Information

Write the username of the content author and when it was authored.  If no date and time are entered, it will default to when the article was created.


The Organization associated with this content. For additional Search-Engine-Optimization (SEO) visibility, consider filling out related meta tag fields. When populated with data, the content will appear as plain text in the byline for the teaser view (Default /News page that displays the visible Articles) and on the full view of the selected Article

If Organization and Source Link are populated with data, the Organization content will appear as a linked byline in the Teaser and Full view of the selected article

Source Link

Includes a link to the original source for this content. Organization will be wrapped with this link if both are provided. If Organization is not provided, the linked URL address will be added to the byline of the teaser and full view of the Article.

This must be an external URL such as

If checked, teaser displays of this content will link directly to the Source Link instead of the full view of the article. The article title path will be replaced with the source link URL. This can be used to reference an article from an outside source on your SiteNow Article’s page (defaults to /News)

Scheduling options

Publisher and Webmaster roles can schedule articles for publishing. Note, the article will be published within a one-hour window of the selected date and time due to limitations with our cloud hosting. Because this works with content moderation, it will move the article from the current state (e.g. draft, review) to published.

Note: Once scheduling has been set, Editors will not be able to make edits until after the scheduled date.

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How to share the Iowa story using the article content type on your website

Monday, January 13, 2025
As a website owner, one of your key challenges is sharing timely, relevant information with your audience. But how can you make sure that your content stays fresh and easily accessible? The solution lies in using the Article content type. In this post, we’ll dive into the best practices for using the article content type and point out common mistakes to avoid.