The purpose of this block is to create a single static event. To create a listing of upcoming events from use the Events Block.

Heading Size

You have the ability to select the heading level of the event title. Heading 2 is set by default, but may need to be adjusted depending on where you nest the event block within the page. 


Type the name of the location where the event will take place.


When adding the Event Block image, you will be asked to fill in a required accessible alternative text value and an optional global caption.

Image Specifications: For details, see the Image Specifications documentation.


The date field will tell users the day and time when the event will take place. The event will display as follows: Day of the week, Month Day, Year - Hour:Minute AM/PM (ie Monday, July 27, 2020 - 3:31 PM)


Additionally, you can wrap the event in an accessible, clickable link. The ‘Link text’ will appear when a user hovers over the event. The text should clarify where users will be directed when they click on the selected event block.

SITENOW TIP: How to link an event to its location on Google Maps: 

  1. On your computer, open Google Maps
  2. Find the directions that you want to embed
  3. Menu Icon on Google Maps
    Click on the "Menu" tab in the top left corner and select 'Share or embed map'. If you don't see this option, click 'Link to this map'. 
    1. OPTIONAL: To create a shorter web page link, check the box next to "Short URL."
  4. Copy and paste the link into the Event block's 'Link' field

Location Icon

The location icon uses a Font Awesome Icon. The 'map-marker-alt' Font Awesome icon has been added by default, but you can filter through the icons by typing in the 'Location Icon' text box. For instance, remove the existing text. Then start typing 'cal' for calendar. There should be a dropdown of icons available for you to select from. If you don't see the icons you were hoping for, try using a different filter. Or if you want to view all of the available icons, click here.

Display Options

There are currently no additional block styles available for the event block

Block Restrictions

The Event block is available in the following section layouts:

  • One column
  • Two column
  • Three column
  • Four column
  • Page w/ left sidebar

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Adding events to your website: Key considerations

Thursday, October 10, 2024
Adding events to your website is a great way to keep your audience informed about what's happening within your department and across the University of Iowa campus. No matter the component you choose, there are a few things to keep in mind.