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Content management
SiteNow uses different types of content for different purposes. Pages are generally used to present content that doesn’t change very often and isn’t considered timely. Articles are used for content that is most relevant at the time they are published, such as news stories. People are used to present information about people such as members of a team or organization.
You can view all site content on the Content Overview page (located at /admin/content). This page provides a sortable, filterable list of content along with common actions for each piece of content or actions that can be performed on multiple pieces of content (bulk operations).
For documentation on the management of media items, see our media management page.
Content lifecycle
Each time a piece of content in SiteNow is saved, a new revision is created and it is assigned a state that determines whether it is publicly visible or not and who is allowed to perform operations on it. Up to 10 revisions are stored for a piece of content at a time and can be viewed and compared through the Revisions tab for users with appropriate roles. The various states that can be assigned to content as it is saved enables team workflows that require review or approval before publication. Here is a list of the available states:
- Draft - All content starts in a draft state by default. Content is only viewable when logged in to your website. Note: when a piece of content is set to draft after it has already been published, the last published revision will continue to be viewable.
- Published - Content becomes publicly viewable when published.
- Unpublished (previously Archived) - Content stops being publicly viewable when it is unpublished.
- Review - Content should be considered completed, and in need of proofing/editing prior to final publication.
Publishers and webmasters may put content into any state. Editors may create new drafts of content, mark content ready for review, and unpublish content that they created.
To view the revisions of a piece of content, select Revisions next to the View and Edit tabs while viewing it. There is a 10 revision limit for content, with revisions going beyond this limit being periodically deleted. With this in mind, revisions should be used as a tool when actively working on new content for your website, not as a long-term archive.
If a live piece of content has a working draft revision that is further along than its published version, you can view that draft revision using the "Latest version" link while viewing the content.
Deleting content
You may permanently delete content by selecting Delete next to the View and Edit tabs. This will bring you to a confirmation page asking you to confirm the permanent deletion of the content. Only select this option if your intention is to remove a page forever, as there is no recovery option.