Thursday, September 7, 2023

With the On Iowa! event underway, this month saw several focused development tasks aimed at delivering their event information in the best possible way, as well as fine-tuning the Admissions Visitor Center display.

Several other initiatives have been completed including the creation of a new Alert component in UIDS 4.x, the creation of an internal website reporting tool, support for ITS site owner's directing website emails to Office 365 groups in place of listservs, and the ability to indicate whether a site is associated with UI OSC or UI Health Care MarCom in preparation for further collaborations.

New features and improvements:

  • As an admin or webmaster on the SiteNow site, I can specify a site as either an OSC site or a UIHC site
  • Site Event content's breadcrumbs now include the Events aggregate page
  • SiteNow alert content has been updated to use the new alert component created in the UIDS 4.x
  • FontAwesome is now on version 6, which includes new icons such as X (formerly Twitter)
  • Sections within Layout Builder can now feature a unique id
  • Updates to SiteNow P2LB (SiteNow V2 to V3 page conversion tool)
    • On each page's conversion, a fallback revision is marked as protected until the site's conversion has been completed
    • Updates to the page conversion and reversion process
    • Updates to several component mappings, including accordions, cards, and SiteNow V2 carousels
    • A reporting tool has been created to help identify potential issues prior to conversion


  • Various fixes for the Iowa brand bar
  • In certain cases, the Add Component links within Layout Builder would not properly open the component menu

Notable Site Launches: