New features and improvements:
In April, we updated the UIDS card component implementations used in SiteNow on all v2 and v3 websites. The UIDS card component is used extensively throughout the SiteNow platform. This update optimized the code architecture of how UIDS cards are implemented and introduced some new improvements that will allow you to enhance your page designs.
Here are some of the improvements and changes that you will see:
- Card block (V3):
- You can now control the heading style between serif and sans-serif fonts through a “Headline style” dropdown on the card block.
- In addition, you can now adjust the headline style for the following block types: article list, events list, people list, RSS feed.
- Under the “styles” menu, you can add padding to the media on the stacked card to create a new design variant.
- Borders for cards are turned on by default for new cards and this can be controlled through a new “Border” checkbox on the card block form interface.
- The “subtitle” field has been moved directly below the “title” field in the block form so that the order matches how they display.
- Card blocks no longer have a bottom margin when not followed by another card block. Cards within a layout column that have another card below will still be separated by default block margin spacing. However, the left and right aligned variants of the cards will no longer have an extra bottom margin added.
- Media sizes have been adjusted slightly to be more consistent. We have set a min-width for small-sized images. Previously, small card images could shrink down to be extremely small when placed in small layout columns.
- You can now control the heading style between serif and sans-serif fonts through a “Headline style” dropdown on the card block.
- Article list block:
To be more consistent with our image sizing within cards, the thumbnail image will appear slightly smaller.
- The “Written by:” label for the article author will no longer appear in the article lists except for assisted devices and has been replaced by an icon to make the article teaser display more like our event and people teaser lists.
- The source link will only display if it is not intentionally hidden and the organization is empty. If the organization has a value, the organization will display as a link to the source link. If the source link is toggled within the article list block, it will either wrap the organization or display by itself.
Other features and improvements:
- The local event content type feature now has an option to mark events as cancelled or rescheduled.
- The banner block now has all of the brand background patterns available as options.
- The menu block has a new option to set the title used for the "Horizontal" mobile menu toggle button.
- The search block can now use external URLs in a search query.
Event pagination bug fix for color contrast on gray backgrounds.
Fix for white space gap between sections on mobile viewports that was being caused by card block margins.
On the events block the "align button" option has been removed because there is no button to position.
Multiple article authors and a source link are now visually separated on the article content type display; they were previously running together.
The featured content block using a person with multiple positions will now display as separate lines; they were previously not visually separated.
Timeline block link buttons will now appear if you have added a url; the buttons were previously not showing up if there was a link set on the timeline block.
Notable Site Launches: