Monday, May 3, 2021

We had a busy month with DrupalCon, team Agile training and a few site projects coming to a close.

Features and fixes

  • The search results page will now show promotions for certain keywords if your site search configuration is using the default CSE and not limiting the scope to just your site. Additionally, all search results from * domains are excluded if your site search configuration is using the default CSE.

  • SiteNow Signage now supports 4K images for slides.

  • Menu items in v2/v3 can now be hidden to website visitors in the menu but still function as part of the menu hierarchy.

  • Buttons can now be added to links using the styles dropdown in the WYSIWYG. This replaces the link dialog classes method, but classes can still be adjusted there.

  • Drupal core security update.

  • Made style adjustments to the APR display of people.

  • Fixed performance issue with our cron processes.

  • Adjusted our table styles strategy. Styled and horizontal scroll by default with the ability to add additional classes.

  • Table default style updates — Styles that were previously only available by adding the classes `table` and `table--is-striped` are now part of the default table styling. Those classes have been removed from all table HTML and no longer have any effect.

  • Responsive table behavior has been changed — The "sticky" header for responsive tables has been removed. The `table--static` class has been removed from all table HTML and no longer has any effect. This update introduced a breaking change with regard to the behavior of tables with the table--width-default class, which will be fixed ASAP

  • The Person content type's person types field now supports "former" classification options.

  • Fixed responsive issues with navigation menus.

  • Increased control of what search crawlers can see.

  • Improved the Layout builder "add" dropdown.

  • Made mobile headline style adjustments.

  • Events in v2/v3 can now be configured to show past events from There is a one-year limit in how far back events go as well as the same maximum of fifty events displayed.

Notable Launches